• info@darielfernandez.com
  • (305) 965-3016

"I want to ensure that our community feels heard, supported, and empowered."
Dariel Fernandez

Descripción de la imagen

Join the Movement:

Join us in building a future of efficiency, transparency, and accountability for our community!

This is my Community

We need a voice that truly represents our interests.

We need your support.

Your support is invaluable in this journey towards our shared vision.

Vision & Mission

Efficiency, Transparency and Accountability: Our Goal for Miami-Dade County

Vision: Efficiency, transparency and responsibility in the tax administration of Miami-Dade County. Mission: Modernize, transparent and provide exceptional service in the Tax Collector's office, managing resources responsibly for the benefit of the community.

  • Commitment to Transparency

    Commitment to Transparency

    Fernández's campaign emphasizes transparency in all aspects of tax collection, ensuring that taxpayers have access to clear information about tax policies, procedures, and expenditures.

  • Customer-Centric Approach

    Customer-Centric Approach

    Fernández pledges to prioritize exceptional customer service, providing courteous and professional assistance to every individual who interacts with the Tax Collector's office, whether in person, online, or over the phone.

  • Focus on Efficiency

    Focus on Efficiency

    The campaign aims to modernize the Tax Collector's office by implementing innovative technology solutions to streamline processes and improve efficiency, making it easier for residents and businesses to interact with the office.

  • Fiscal Responsibility

    Fiscal Responsibility

    The campaign is committed to managing taxpayer dollars responsibly and effectively, maximizing resources to support essential services and programs for the benefit of the community while minimizing waste and inefficiency.

  • Community Engagement

    Community Engagement

    Fernández's campaign seeks to actively engage with the community, listening to residents' concerns, and working collaboratively to address their needs and priorities. This includes regular communication, outreach efforts, and opportunities for public input and feedback.

Purpose & Goals

My Vision and Goals for Miami-Dade County's Tax Collector Office

My purpose in launching this campaign for Tax Collector of Miami-Dade County is to enact positive change and reform in the administration of tax collection. I aim to modernize and improve the Tax Collector's office, ensuring efficiency, transparency, and accountability in serving our community.

Modernization and Efficiency

Another key aspect of the campaign is the focus on modernizing and improving the efficiency of the Tax Collector's office. This involves implementing innovative technology solutions to streamline processes, reduce bureaucracy, and enhance the overall experience for residents and businesses interacting with the office.

Community Engagement

Establishing open and transparent communication channels to actively listen to the concerns, feedback, and needs of the residents of Miami-Dade County.

Empower Our Initiatives Through Your Vocal Support

Community Engagement Initiatives

Stay tuned for upcoming events and initiatives as we engage with the community to discuss important issues, answer questions, and listen to your feedback. Together, we can shape the future of tax collection in Miami-Dade County.

Enhancing Senior Prosperity

Focused on enriching the lives of our senior citizens through beneficial tax policies and community programs, we aim to secure a prosperous future for our elder population, emphasizing respect and financial stability.


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